What do we, Code and Pixels need to make IETM Level -4? Inputs that are required to make IETM level -4. Or Contribution of OEM while developing the IETM.
Tag: IETM Document
IETM: Interactive Electronic Technical Manual is your IETM Document PDF file i.e. user handbook, technical manual only. It is called Level -1 IETM. IETM is one of the mandatory deliverables (DVD) along with any equipment to be supplied to Indian Defence.
Documentation standards Vs IETM Standard EED-S-048 |DME 452 |NCD 1470 |JSS 251 |JSG 0852
Technical documentation is a very broad word used in tender documents/Scope Documents. They put the heading as Technical Documentation and in brackets write IETM Level 4 or IETM class 4 mentioning EED-S-048…